If you have children you need to consider the safety of the window blinds you use in your home. Many child hazards and dangers involved with window treatments can be avoided if you choose the right preventative safety features. Child safety blinds will help to increase the safety of your windows through use of several cordless functions. Cordless blinds are the recommended way to improve safety as they have no cords, which are the main cause of accidents and injuries.
When shopping for child safe blinds, consider which operating mechanism is right for the window.For very tall or hard to reach windows, a motorized blind or the continuous cord loop option might be right for you.
Charlie can be reached at charlie@designers-touch.com . Custom Draperies of Louisville Ky. can motorize all window treatments. Draperies Louisville Ky. Draperies New Albany In,.Draperies Floyds Knobs In , Sellersburg In, Phone KY. 502- 905 2368